Thursday, June 3, 2010

If no one would listen

I cried. They didnt see it. As least that's what I thought, I hoped.

Sometimes, you could feel so helpless that you think God's not even there for you.

It feels like there's just you against the world.
It feels like you wanna break the walls but there's endless.
It feels like you're lost in the jungle and no matter how many times you tried, you're stuck in the same place.
It feels like you're doing this thing for good, but people blame it on you.
It feels like ... Helpless.

It feels like everyone's just so good at that thing, and I'm the only dummy.
It feels like no one cares about whatever events' going on when I gave in so much to just make everyone happy.
It feels like everyone's just so lazy and dont want to do works, God's works.
It feels like I've to pick up other's shit and eventually everyone knows where to get a scapegoat.
It feels like ... Helpless.

And what's funny was, no one was even trying to ask "Are you okay?"

"The helpless one" Phebsy

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