Saturday, April 17, 2010

Rain on the Parade

It just finished raining. I sat on th balcony for 3 hours. First 2 hours i was studying. Then I started watching rains. I like rain, except the lightning part. =)
I love sitting at the balcony and just watching the rains, silently. Cause for me, that's

When you do nothing but just looking at the rain, you could feel a sense of relief. I don't know about you, but i do. I've thoughts a lot. My head is clearer and my brain rise from dead. Thank you God, for the rain.

I walked out. I touched the rain and let it ran through me. I laughed in the rain. I jumped. I found joy which i've lost long ago.

Those who say sunshine brings happiness have clearly never danced in the rain. :D

"Joy" Phebs

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