Friday, December 31, 2010

I'll miss 2010

I was too naive to think that bubble can makes me happy when things like these happen to me on the last day of 2010. I'm lost and have no idea what should i do with my best friends and my family.

wondering around desa park cit for few hours. It was pointless. Everyone was so joyful and can't wait for the countdown, and there I was. Standing in the middle like no body. The fireworks was really really beautiful, guess they spent hundreds millions in it? I cried while people cheering for fireworks and for the new year. I was looking at the fireworks and cried in the middle of millions people. I was talking to God, why are these happening to me? on this day? can't it wait till next week?? I got nothing from the God but just fireworks and noises.

Went to 7-eleven to grab something. I need to drunk myself. I need a shoulder, need someone to talk to, need love, need someone to make me laugh, need someone to tell me that- Its okay to cry it out loud....

Not a so-good- starting for 2011 :(

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