Je ne savais pas comment j'ai été forte jusqu'à ce qu'il soit fort est la seule option que j'ai maintenant.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Dont say
Apologies mean nothing when the damage is done. So, forget about saying sorry, because I'll remember these hurts for the rest of my life. If you're asking am I capable of that, I am! I already did for the past 20 years!
*Beach bummers of Malibu Beachwear REJOICE!*
We are now taking orders for the OH-SO-FAMOUS Monokini Crochet Solid &
Bandeau Halter Solid and they are av...
Growing up with Dylan Pt.1
Dylan is now 9 months old! In the beginning I was ranting about how I want
him to grow up faster, but now, well, I still wish he’d sleep better, but
he’s s...
southern sausage stew...
[image: thumbnail]
In the UK we love our bangers and mash don't we and you'll find that this
dish is fairly similar but with rice and Louisiana gravy It pus...
woooo, it's been a while since i posted something again. haha. too much
going on all the time. damn money isn't easy earned. anyways, i recently
just watch...
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